Facade Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Adapter Pattern, Flyweight Pattern, Proxy Pattern, Bridge Pattern
Singleton Pattern, Simple Factory Pattern, Factory Method Pattern, Abstract Factory Pattern, Builder Pattern, ProtoType Pattern
Red Black Tree
Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree
Create a txt file and insert some sentences, and apply the thread pool to output the contents of the file to the terminal.
“color.h” “debug.h”
Leetcode- 155, 503, 901, 739, 84, 1856, 907, 496, 456, 42
Leetcode- 239, offer - 59, 862, 1438, 513, 135, 365, 45, 93, 43
Leetcode- 993, 542, 1091, 752, offer - 13, 130, 494, 473, 39
Leetcode- 16.25, 187, 318, 240, 979, 430, 863